Report – 2015 EU-wide transparency exercise
Pubblicato il 25/11/15 07:04 [Doc.805]
di Redazione IL

List of Figures 3
Executive Summary 6
1. Rationale, purpose and main features of the EU-wide transparency exercise 9
1.1 Rationale and purpose of the exercise 9
1.2 Main features of the exercise 10
1.2.1 Reliance on supervisory reporting data 10
1.2.2 Sample of banks 10
1.2.3 Scope of the transparency exercise and transparency templates 11
2. Aggregate figures 14
2.1 Capital position 14
2.2 Leverage ratio 21
2.3 Aggregate figures per risk type 22
2.3.1 Credit risk 22
(i) Exposure value and risk exposure amounts 22
(ii) NPE and forbearance 25
2.3.2 Sovereign risk 32
2.4 Profitability 35
Annex A – Sample of banks 43

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